керівництво користувача PANASONIC ES-8109

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Mode d'emploi PANASONIC ES-8109

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   PANASONIC ES-8109 (6284 ko)

Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації PANASONIC ES-8109

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] Operating Instructions Rechargeable Shaver Model No. ES8109 English Deutsch Français Italiano Nederlands Español Dansk 2 Português 12 Norsk 22 Svenska 32 Suomi 42 Polski 52 Cesky 62 Slovensky 72 Magyar 82 Român 92 102 Türkçe 112 122 132 142 153 163 173 183 Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely. Important English 1 Beforeuse This Wet/Dry shaver can be used for wet shaving with shaving lather or for dry shaving. You can use this watertight shaver in the shower and clean it in water. The following is the symbol of Wet shaver. [. . . ] In this case, perform the course again from the beginning. · Do not detach the detergent cartridge or the water tank as the cleaning liquid may spill causing a malfunction. Coursecompletionsummary On shaver Time required (guide) [In the low DRY CHARGE temperature] Blinks 1 hour Blinks ­ Blinks ­ hours [+30 min] 1 hour [+30 min] h 40 min 1 h 40 min Courseselectionindications Course 1Charge 2Clean/Dry/ Charge 3Clean/Dry 4Dry/Charge 5Dry *The lamp goes out in 6 seconds. On recharger CLEAN DRY Changeable course CHARGE halfway through * 2345 3 2 235 234 Glows Glows while charging ­ Glows while charging ­ On shaver On recharger CLEAN 2 1 1 Inserttheappliance 3 Removethe 4 Press[SELECT]toselectthecourse. shaver. · Turn the shaver off before · Remove any soap or water on attaching. the shaver if it has been · Check that the outer foil is not washed with hand soap or deformed or damaged when any other detergent. you are attaching the shaver. 7 11 1 1 Cleaningwiththeself-cleaningrecharger(continued) 1Follow the steps outlined below if the status lamp blinks or glows during the "Clean/Dry/Charge" course or the "Clean/Dry" course. Blinks Correctly set the detergent cartridge and then restart a course. Ifthestatuslampgoes out Continue a course. Glows Remove the shaver from the selfcleaning recharger and then check that the [CLEAN] lamp has gone out. (Be careful as the blade may be hot or wet. ) Check that the water tank is correctly attached, the water tank cap is securely closed and the selfcleaning recharger is placed horizontally. English Cleaningtheshaverwithouttheself-cleaning recharger We recommend that you clean your shaver with the self-cleaning recharger or the "sonic" vibration turbo-cleaning mode when the faucet symbol appears on the LCD panel. Disconnect the power cord from the shaver. Apply some hand soap and some water to the outer foil. Press the OFF/ON switch for more than seconds to activate the turbo mode for "sonic" vibration cleaning. · After about 0 seconds, it will be automatically turned off, or you can turn it off by pressing the OFF/ON switch. Remove the system outer foil and press the OFF/ON switch for more than seconds to activate the turbo mode for "sonic" vibration cleaning and clean it with running water. Wipe off any drops of water with a dry cloth. Remove the system outer foil and the foil frame to allow them to dry completely. Whenanabnormalityhas beencorrected Press and hold [SELECT] for approximately seconds to turn off the status lamp and then restart a course. Whennoabnormalitywas found It is time to replace the detergent cartridge and cleaning liquid inside the water tank. Drain the old cleaning liquid inside the water tank and then refill it with water. Replace the old detergent cartridge and then restart the course. Whenthestatuslamp goesout Continue a course. Whenthestatuslampglows again Contact an authorized service center. 8 Cautionforturbomode · Shaving in turbo mode may damage your skin. Turn the shaver off and then on again to cancel turbo mode. [. . . ] Reinigen Sie den Adapter oder das Selbstreinigungs-Ladegerät nicht mit Wasser, da dies zu einer Beschädigung der beiden Geräte führen oder einen elektrischen Schlag verursachen könnte. Entnehmen Sie den Rasierer nicht aus dem Selbstreinigungs-Ladegerät, während Sie ein Programm mit der "Trocknen"-Funktion verwenden. Für diese Funktion wird eine Heizvorrichtung verwendet, so dass der Bereich um die Scherblätter herum extrem heiß wird und Sie sich Verbrennungen zuziehen könnten. Stellen Sie das Selbstreinigungs-Ladegerät ausschließlich auf eine ebene und stabile Oberfläche. [. . . ]


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Шукати інструкцію користувача


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