керівництво користувача SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP

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Якщо цей документ відповідає посібнику користувача, довіднику користувача чи інструкції користувача, довіднику функцій, схемам, які Ви шукаєте - завантажте його вже. Lastmanuals надає швидкий і простий доступ до інструкції користувача SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP. Сподіваємось, що цей SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP посібник користувача буде для Вас корисним.

Lastmanuals допоможе завантажити посібник користувача SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP.

Mode d'emploi SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP

Ви також можете завантажити наступні інструкції, пов'язані з цим виробом:

   SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP (1901 ko)

Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації SIEMENS GIGASET N300A IP

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] Congratulations By purchasing a Gigaset, you have chosen a brand that is fully committed to sustainability. This product's packaging is eco-friendly!To learn more, visit www. gigaset. com. Gigaset N300/N300A IP Your powerful housemate Gigaset N300/N300A IP Your powerful housemate . . . With a broadband-compatible Gigaset handset, you will be amazed by the perfect sound quality. [. . . ] a Press and hold the end call key (idle status). If no number is saved for the network mailbox, you are asked to enter the number of the network mailbox. Enter the number for the network mailbox. a Press and hold the end call key (idle status). Quick dial is activated. Please note You can only assign quick dial to one answering machine. You can also call the network mailbox for a handset's receive connections directly via the message key ( page 109). Calling the answering machine via quick dial Press and hold. If you have set a network mailbox for quick dial you are connected directly to this network mailbox. You hear the network mailbox announcement. Gigaset N300A IP: If you have set quick dial for the local answering machine on the phone, message playback starts only if one answering machine is assigned a receive connection for the phone. If multiple local answering machines are assigned to the phone, then a list of answering machines will appear. q Select answering machine and press OK. Displaying new messages in the handset's idle display If a new message is present on one of the network mailboxes assigned to the handset via its receive connection, or on the local answering machine, the symbol and the number of new messages are shown on the idle display. The f message key flashes. 108 Using the network mailbox Calling the network mailbox using the message key Under the message key f you will find a list for each network mailbox that fulfils the following prerequisites: u The corresponding connections are assigned to the handset as receive connections. u The network mailbox phone number is saved on the phone. You can use the list to call the network mailbox directly and listen to the messages. The following will be shown (Gigaset C59H/C610H as an example): Messages & Calls Net AM: Fixed Line Mailbox IP 1: Mailbox IP 2: Mailbox IP 3: Mailbox IP 4: (1) (1) 1 2 3 4 Back OK 1 Net AM: Fixed Line The network mailbox for the fixed line connection 2 If there are new messages in the network mailbox, the list entry is shown in bold. The number of new messages is shown in brackets following the list entry. 3 Mailbox IP 1:, Mailbox IP 2: and so on are the network mailboxes for the VoIP connections. "IP1", "IP2" and so on are the standard names of the corresponding VoIP connections. The standard names are always displayed regardless of which connection name you specified during configuration. 4 If there are no new messages, no number is shown after the list entry for the network mailbox. The number of messages stored in the network mailbox is not displayed. Net AM: Fixed Line / Mailbox IP 1: / Mailbox IP 2: /. . . / Mailbox IP 6: Select the network mailbox entry and press OK. You are connected directly to the network mailbox and hear its announcement. [. . . ] 46, 149 G. 722 broadband language codec . 137, 138 Gigaset HDSP, see HDSP Gigaset. net . 180 Global System for Mobile Communication . 180 192 Index Guarantee Certificate . [. . . ]


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