керівництво користувача SIEMENS GIGASET SL785

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Lastmanuals допоможе завантажити посібник користувача SIEMENS GIGASET SL785.

Mode d'emploi SIEMENS GIGASET SL785

Ви також можете завантажити наступні інструкції, пов'язані з цим виробом:

   SIEMENS GIGASET SL785 (1987 ko)
   SIEMENS GIGASET SL785 (1556 ko)
   SIEMENS GIGASET SL785 (1465 ko)

Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації SIEMENS GIGASET SL785

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] Congratulations By purchasing a Gigaset, you have chosen a brand that is fully committed to sustainability. This product's packaging is eco-friendly!To learn more, visit www. gigaset. com. Brief overview Brief overview 1 2 3 4 5 i V 16 17 1 2 6 INT 1 Oct 2008 Mo 06 13 20 27 Tu 07 14 21 28 We 01 08 15 22 29 Th 02 09 16 23 30 Fr 03 10 17 24 31 07:15 Sa 04 11 18 25 Su 05 12 19 26 7 8 9 10 Calls Calendar 3 15 14 13 12 11 4 5 12 13 11 10 9 8 6 7 14 15 16 17 Display in idle status Battery charge status ( page 17) Display keys ( page 20) Message key ( page 37) Access to calls and message lists; Flashes: new message or new call End call key, On/Off key End call, cancel function, go back one menu level (press briefly), back to idle status (press and hold), activate/deactivate handset (press and hold in idle status) Hash key Keypad lock on/off (press and hold in idle status); toggles between upper/lower case and digits Call-by-call list key ( page 32) Open call-by-call list Charging socket Microphone Flash key - Consultation call (flash) - Insert a dialling pause (press and hold) Star key Ring tone on/off (press and hold); with an open connection: switch between dial pulsing/touch tone dialling (press briefly); Text input: Open table of special characters Key 1 Dial answering machine (SL785 only)/Network mailbox (press and hold) Talk key Accept a call; open redial list (press briefly); start dialling (press and hold) When writing an SMS: send SMS Speaker key Switch between earpiece and speaker mode; Lights up: speaker activated; Flashes: incoming call Control key ( page 19) Signal strength ( page 17) Answering machine symbol (SL785 only) Answering machine switched on; Flashes: Answering machine is recording a message or is being operated by another internal party Gigaset service contact numbers: For personal advice on our range of products and for repairs or guarantee/warranty claims call: Service Centre UK: 0845 367 0812 (local call cost charge) 1 Brief overview Base Registration/ Paging key ( page 56) 2 Display symbols Display symbols The following symbols are displayed independently from the settings and the operating status of your telephone: Signal strength ( page 17) or ECO Mode symbol ( page 53) Answering machine switched on (SL785 only) Bluetooth activated ( page 61) or / (Bluetooth headset/data device) connected Ring tone switched off ( page 65) Keypad lock switched on ( page 22) Battery charging ( page 17) Battery charge status ( page 17) i 02 TM 10 09 n 08 V u u u u Number of new messages: in the list of received appointments ( page 55) in the SMS list ( page 41) in the list of missed calls ( page 37) on the network mailbox ( page 17) INT 1 Oct 2008 Mo 06 13 20 27 Tu 07 14 21 28 We 01 08 15 22 29 Th 02 09 16 23 30 Fr 03 10 17 24 31 13:28 Sa 04 11 18 25 Su 05 12 19 26 17:32 Name of the handset ( page 59) Current month and year ( page 17) Alarm switched on and wake-up time ( page 56) Current time ( page 17) Appointment added to the calendar ( page 54) Current date ( page 17) Calls Calendar Signalling External call ( page 28) ؼ Internal call ( page 57) Answering machine is recording ( page 47) Alarm clock ( page 56) Appointment ( page 54) / Anniversary ( page 35) 3 Contents Contents Brief overview . 7 Gigaset SL780/SL785 more than just a telephone . [. . . ] The set time for the call acceptance ( page 50) is ignored. Copying the phone number of a message to the directory During playback or pause: Options Copy to Directory Complete the entry page 35. Deleting messages You can either delete all old messages together or individually. Activating/deactivating two-way record You can record an external call with the answering machine. Inform the caller that the call is being recorded. 49 Deleting all old messages During playback or pause: Options Delete Old List OK Press the display key to confirm the prompt. Yes Press the display key to confirm the prompt. Operating the answering machine of the Gigaset SL785 base Two-way record is indicated on the display by an advisory text and is added to the answering machine list as a new message. End Press the display key to stop two-way record. The maximum recording time depends on the memory available on the answering machine. If the memory is full you will hear an end tone, the recording is aborted, and the call recorded up to that point is listed in the answering machine list as a new message. Quality: Select recording quality Long Play, High or Excellent. If the quality is higher, the maximum recording time is reduced. Ring Delay: Select when the answering machine should accept a call: No delay, after 10 sec. , 18 sec. , 30 sec. Save Press the display key. Information about call acceptance In Automatic mode, the following applies for call acceptance: u If there are no new messages, the answering machine answers a call after 18 seconds. u If new messages are present, the answering machine answers a call after 10 seconds. When operating remotely ( page 51) you can tell after approx. 15 seconds that there are no new messages (otherwise the answering machine would already have accepted your call). There will be no call charges if you hang up now. Activating/deactivating call screening During recording of a message you can screen a call via the loudspeaker of registered handsets. Permanently activating/deactivating call screening v Call Screening (= on) Change Select display key to activate/ deactivate the function. Deactivating call screening for the current recording You can switch off the function on the handset during the recording. Silence Press the display key. Please note: You can configure your telephone so that the first ring tone is muted on all calls ( page 45). This means that the time selected for the call acceptance predetermines how long the caller must wait before the answering machine answers the call. Setting the recording parameters The answering machine has already been preset at the factory. Make individual settings using the handset. v Recordings Change multiple line input: Length: Select maximum recording time: 1 Min. , 2 Min. , 3 Min. or Maximum. Resetting fast access for the answering machine using key 1 By default, key has been assigned for fast access to the integrated answering machine. However, if you have set the network mailbox for fast access ( page 52), you can reset this setting. v Set Key 1 50 Operating the answering machine of the Gigaset SL785 base Answering Machine Select and press OK. [. . . ] 57 Birthday, see Anniversary Bluetooth accepting a call . 75 CD, see Call divert Changing destination number . Deleting announcement for answering machine . 67 47 54 64 22 59 22 45 60 49 20 48 20 49 57 62 60 69 33 33 69 70 63 34 83 Index Directory . [. . . ]


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Шукати інструкцію користувача


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