керівництво користувача SIEMENS GIGASET C300H

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Mode d'emploi SIEMENS GIGASET C300H

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Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації SIEMENS GIGASET C300H

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] Gigaset C300H / IM1 EN / A31008-M2253-R101-2-4N19 / Cover_front. fm / 15. 04. 2011 Congratulations By purchasing a Gigaset, you have chosen a brand that is fully committed to sustainability. This product?s packaging is eco-friendly!To learn more, visit www. gigaset. com. Gigaset C300H / IM1 EN / A31008-M2253-R101-2-4N19 / Cover_front. fm / 15. 04. 2011 Gigaset C300H / IM1 EN / A31008-M2253-R101-2-4N19 / introduction. fm / 15. 04. 2011 Gigaset C300H ?your high-quality accessory Gigaset C300H ? [. . . ] Calls recorded by the answering machine (Gigaset C300A only) u Or missed calls only ?Calls not recorded by the answering machine (Gigaset C300A only) In idle status, you can open the call list by pressing the message key f. To return a call, select the corresponding entry and press the talk key c. See your base user guide for further information. Back OK Select a list with q. To open, press OK. Disable/enable flashing of the message key You can select whether the message key f flashes (default setting) or does not flash when new messages arrive. Please do the following: Press the key sequence: v *#Q5#M The following is displayed: 97 Press one of the following keys to select the message type: 5 for missed calls oer L for new SMS or M for messages on the answering machine (dependent on base)/network mailbox 28 Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 Gigaset C300H / IM1 EN / A31008-M2253-R101-2-4N19 / T-NetBox_SAG. fm / 15. 04. 2011 Using the network mailbox Using the network mailbox The network mailbox is your provider's voice mail feature within the network. More information is available from your provider. You cannot use the network mailbox unless you have requested it from your provider. The following information is only applicable when using your handset with a Gigaset C300 base. If you have registered your handset to a different base, such as the Gigaset C300A, please refer to your base user guide. Viewing the network mailbox message When a message is recorded, you receive a call from the network mailbox. If you have requested Calling Line Identification, the network mailbox number is displayed. If you accept the call, the new messages are played back. If you do not accept the call, the network mailbox number is saved in the missed calls list and the message key flashes ( page 27). Please note Enter the network mailbox phone number into your directory along with the designation "Network mailbox"; the display and the call list will then show this designation. Using fast access for the network mailbox To access the answering machine, simply press and hold the key ?you do not have to select it via the menu. You only need to enter the number of the network mailbox. Menu Voice Mail Network Mailbox ( = selected) ~ Enter the network mailbox number and press OK. The setting for fast access applies to all handsets. Calling the network mailbox Press and hold. You are connected straight to the network mailbox. Please note You can also connect to the network mailbox via the menu: Menu Voice Mail Play Messages Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 29 Gigaset C300H / IM1 EN / A31008-M2253-R101-2-4N19 / registr_sett. fm / 15. 04. 2011 ECO DECT ECO DECT You are helping to protect the environment with your Gigaset. Using the handset as an alarm clock Prerequisite: The date and time have already been set. Reducing energy consumption Your telephone has a power-saving adapter plug and uses less power. Activating/deactivating the alarm clock Menu Alarm Clock Activation ( = on) After you activate the alarm clock, the menu for setting the wake up time opens automatically. The icon and wake up time are shown on the display. A wake-up call is signalled on the display ( page 3) and with the selected ringer volume and melody ( page 32). If no key is pressed, the wake-up call is repeated twice at five-minute intervals and then switched off. During a call, the wake-up call is only signalled by a short tone. Reducing radiation (dependent on base) The radiation can only be reduced if your base supports this function. [. . . ] The operating time of your Gigaset depends on the capacity and age of the batteries and the way they are used. (All times are maximum possible times). Capacity (mAh) approx. 550 Standby time (hours) * Talktime (hours) Operating time for 1. 5 hrs of calls per day (hours) ** - Without Eco Mode+ 120 - With Eco Mode+ 80 Charging time in charger (hours) 5. 5 140 95 6. 5 160 110 7. 5 195 135 9 700 800 1000 255/ 295/ 340/ 420/ 89 103 118 146 14 16 19 23 *) Without/with display backlight **) Without display backlight (Backlight page 31) Due to the constant progression in battery development, the list of recommended batteries in the FAQ section of the Gigaset Customer Care pages is regularly updated: www. gigaset. com/service Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 40 Gigaset C300H / IM1 EN / A31008-M2253-R101-2-4N19 / appendix. fm / 15. 04. 2011 Appendix General specifications DECT DECT standard GAP standard No. of channels Is supported Is supported 60 duplex channels Radio frequency range 1880?1900 MHz Duplex method Time multiplex, 10 ms frame length u Characters are inserted at the cursor position. [. . . ]


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Шукати інструкцію користувача


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