керівництво користувача CANON PIXMA MG6150

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Mode d'emploi CANON PIXMA MG6150

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   CANON PIXMA MG6150 (18956 ko)

Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації CANON PIXMA MG6150

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] Canon MG6100 series On-screen Manual . 1 1084 MC-5091-V1. 00 . . MG6100 series . 2 1084 MP-4970-V1. 00 PDF, ' /-' USB , , ' /-' USB ' -' USB / ' ' (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) - (Easy-WebPrint EX) . 3 1084 > , . HOME . [. . . ] Reset the passwords when saving edited files. Note If you set the passwords via the PDF Settings dialog box, the PDF Settings dialog box returns. The Save as PDF file dialog box returns. 5. Click Save. Files are saved according to the settings. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Related Topic Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files Page top . 601 1084 Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files . 602 1084 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files S509 Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files Enter a password to open or edit/print password-protected PDF files. Password entry method varies by operation. The following procedures are examples only. Important You can open, edit or print only PDF files whose passwords were set with MP Navigator EX. You cannot edit PDF files edited in other applications or whose passwords were set with other applications. Only MP Navigator EX version 1. 1 and 2. 0 or later supports opening, editing and printing password-protected PDF files. You can create or edit up to 99 pages at one time using MP Navigator EX. Entering a Password to Open a File 1. In the View & Use window, select the PDF file you want to open and click in. Alternatively, double-click the PDF file. Zoom Note Only the Document Open Password will be required. The Permissions Password will not be required. If the Zoom in dialog box with a lock icon opens, click Enter Password. Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files . Enter the password and click OK. The PDF file opens in the Zoom in dialog box. Note To reopen the file after closing the Zoom in dialog box, re-enter the password. Entering a Password (Permissions Password) to Edit or Print a File 1. In the View & Use window, select PDF files and click PDF or Print. Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files . To create a PDF file or edit the file, select Create/Edit PDF file on the list. To print the file, click Print Document. In the Password dialog box, you will be prompted to enter a password. Note If the Document Open Password is set as well, the Document Open Password will be required, then the Permissions Password will be required. 3. Enter the password and click OK. The corresponding dialog box opens. Important If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Related Topic Setting Passwords for PDF Files Page top MP Navigator EX Screens . 605 1084 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens S700 MP Navigator EX Screens Learn about the screens and functions of MP Navigator EX. Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab Auto Scan Screen (Scan/Import Window) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Auto Scan) Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) Save Dialog Box Save as PDF file Dialog Box Memory Card Screen (Scan/Import Window) View & Use Images on your Computer Tab View & Use Window Create/Edit PDF file Window Print Document Dialog Box Print Photo Dialog Box Send via E-mail Dialog Box Correct/Enhance Images Window Custom Scan with One-click Tab / One-click Mode Screen Auto Scan Dialog Box Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Scan Settings Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) PDF Dialog Box Mail Dialog Box OCR Dialog Box Custom Dialog Box Preferences Dialog Box General Tab Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save to PC) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Scanner Button Settings) Scanner Button Settings Tab (Attach to E-mail) Page top Navigation Mode Screen . 606 1084 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Navigation Mode Screen S735 Navigation Mode Screen This is one of the startup screens of MP Navigator EX. [. . . ] 802. 11b. IEEE 802. 11n , 2, 4 5 . , , ' , . 600 / ' ' . . 1081 1084 802. 11b 802. 11g. '- , ' . IP- (IP Address) , . IPv4 32-, IPv6 -- 128- . K (Key Format) ASCII, Hex WEP. [. . . ]


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Шукати інструкцію користувача


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