керівництво користувача SIEMENS GIGASET E500A

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Якщо цей документ відповідає посібнику користувача, довіднику користувача чи інструкції користувача, довіднику функцій, схемам, які Ви шукаєте - завантажте його вже. Lastmanuals надає швидкий і простий доступ до інструкції користувача SIEMENS GIGASET E500A. Сподіваємось, що цей SIEMENS GIGASET E500A посібник користувача буде для Вас корисним.

Lastmanuals допоможе завантажити посібник користувача SIEMENS GIGASET E500A.

Mode d'emploi SIEMENS GIGASET E500A

Ви також можете завантажити наступні інструкції, пов'язані з цим виробом:

   SIEMENS GIGASET E500A (1079 ko)
   SIEMENS GIGASET E500A (1529 ko)

Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації SIEMENS GIGASET E500A

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] Gigaset E500/E500 A / GreatBritain / A31008-M2206-L101-2-7619 / Cover_front. fm / Congratulations By purchasing a Gigaset, you have chosen a brand that is fully committed to sustainability. This product’s packaging is eco-friendly!To learn more, visit www. gigaset. com. Gigaset E500/E500 A / GreatBritain / A31008-M2206-L101-2-7619 / introduction. fm / Gigaset E500/E500A – Your reliable companion Gigaset E500/E500A – Your reliable companion This phone has the benefits of an ergonomic design, easy-to-use keys and a clear display with large font. It is also impressively robust and has first-class sound quality in handsfree mode as well as a long operating time. [. . . ] u If an internal call is also programmed (¢ page 38), the emergency call can also be answered by an internal party. The text "Emergency call" is output on all registered handsets and the base. u If you have activated Eco Mode+ (¢ page 55), the radio connection to the base will not be displayed on the handset. The SOS key ; will continue to be illuminated even if there is no longer a radio connection. Press the talk key c to check that the base can be reached. You hear the ringing tone if the base can be reached. u You are advised to perform a test run to ensure that the emergency function is set up correctly. The police, rescue services or fire brigade must not be used for a test run. u Please note that the standby time of the handset will be reduced when the emergency function is activated. ! Recipients of the emergency call must have set their telephones to tone dialling otherwise pressing 5 to confirm the emergency call will not be recognised. Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 46 Gigaset E500/E500 A / GreatBritain / A31008-M2206-L101-2-7619 / SOS_procedure. fm / 21. 03. 2011 Setting up the emergency function In order to use the function you will need to: u Save the emergency numbers u Activate the emergency function As an option you can also record a personal SOS announcement (e. g. , name and address). Setting up the emergency function for the first time Prerequisite: No emergency numbers have yet been saved. Warning If you have already assigned the ; key for direct dialling, you will first need to delete this number (¢ page 37). You can then save the emergency number(s) on the direct dialling key ;. ¤ In idle status, press the direct dialling key ; on the handset. ¤ Activate the emergency function: Emerg. Call Mode ¤ §OK§ (³= on) You will be informed that no emergency number has yet been saved. The input field for the first emergency number opens. ¤ Enter the first emergency number and press §OK§. ¤ Enter the relevant name and press §OK§. You have the option of entering a further three numbers and also directing the emergency call to one or all internal numbers: Further number?Press §Yes§ to enter further emergency numbers. Press §Yes§ if, in addition to the saved numbers, you wish to call all registered handsets when you press the SOS key. Press §Yes§ to record an announcement (e. g. , name and address) that will be announced automatically to the called party after you press the SOS key. The announcement is repeated for you to check. [. . . ] 3. 5 mm Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 76 Gigaset E500/E500 A / GreatBritain / A31008-M2206-L101-2-7619 / E500ASIX. fm / 21. 03. 2011 Index Index A Access protection . mach. ) recording/playing back/ deleting . 33, 51, 60 Automatic network provider preselection . . 40, 41 Call screening during recording . [. . . ]


Lastmanuals пропонує громадський сервіс обміну, зберігання та пошуку інструкцій з використання різноманітних пристроїв та програмних продуктів : посібників користувача, інструкцій користувача, довідників користувача, технічних специфікацій, інструкцій швидкого старту...
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