керівництво користувача SIEMENS GIGASET M34 USB

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Керівництво анотація: Інструкції з експлуатації SIEMENS GIGASET M34 USB

Детальні вказівки щодо використання містяться в Посібнику Користувача.

[. . . ] EN Dear Customer, Gigaset Communications GmbH is the legal successor to Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), which in turn continued the Gigaset business of Siemens AG. Any statements made by Siemens AG or SHC that are found in the user guides should therefore be understood as statements of Gigaset Communications GmbH. Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, die Gigaset Communications GmbH ist Rechtsnachfolgerin der Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. [. . . ] The following configuration dialogs are available: Menu tree M34 USB Status Configuration Firmware update Brief description Display connected base station and quality of connection Register and configure Gigaset M34 USB and enter available base stations Update device software for your Gigaset M34 USB Checking the connection status ì Open the Gigaset M34 software and select the M34 USB > Status option in the menu tree. The working area displays up to date information about the connection to the base station: Connected base If a connection already exists, the name of the base station to which your PC is connected via the Gigaset M34 USB is shown. Field strength The signal strength of the wireless connection is indicated in the form of a bar. Connection status The wireless connection can have the following operating statuses: – Initialise Connecting; searching for an available base station. – No connection No connection to base station or connection broken. – Active Your PC is connected to the base station displayed. 20 Gigaset M34 USB Ya-LBA / englisch / A31008-M403-R101-4-7619 / Konfigurieren. fm / 11. 04. 2006 Configuring the Gigaset M34 software Configuring the Gigaset M34 software You can make various settings in the Gigaset M34 software: change the names of your devices, register or deregister base stations, connect devices to one another, control the power management feature and update the firmware if necessary Registering a base station ì Open the Gigaset M34 software and select the M34 USB > Configuration option in the menu tree. ì Under Base stations click on one of the <free base> options. The Register button is activated. ì Set the base station to registration mode. – Press and hold the registration key for a few seconds. Some base stations signal registration mode with an acoustic signal or a flashing LED. – Refer to the operating instructions for your base station for more details. ì Click on Register to begin registration. This opens the Register dialog. with OK. ì Enter the PIN for the base station (factory default "0000") and confirm your entry ì Wait until registration has been completed. The Register dialog is closed. ì For further information refer to "Registering a base station" on page 16. Connecting the base station When you register a base station, it is connected immediately. If several base stations are registered, you can choose which one to connect to. The base stations that are not connected do not need to be deregistered. This allows you to switch between different base stations without having to set them to registration mode again. ì Open the Gigaset M34 software and select the M34 USB > Configuration option in the menu tree. ì Under Base stations click on one of the base stations that is registered but not connected. The Connect button is activated. ì Click on the base station you want to connect. ì Click on Connect. 21 Gigaset M34 USB Ya-LBA / englisch / A31008-M403-R101-4-7619 / Konfigurieren. fm / 11. 04. 2006 Configuring the Gigaset M34 software Changing device names When connected to a base station, your PC is uniquely identifiable by its device name. You can change this device name as required. ì Open the Gigaset M34 software and select the M34 USB > Configuration option in the menu tree. The working area shows the current device name of the Gigaset M34 USB. ì Enter the desired device name under Identification > Name. The maximum length of the device name is 10 characters. ì Confirm your entry by pressing the return key (Return, Enter). The new device name is sent to the connected base station. i If you also want to change the device name of your PC for connections to another registered base station, first of all connect to the desired base station and then repeat this procedure. Calling the Gigaset M34 USB A connection between your handset and the Gigaset M34 USB allows you to access the PC through your handset. The requirement for this connection is that your handset is registered on the same base station as the Gigaset M34 USB. To create the connection between your handset and the Gigaset M34 USB, make a free internal call from the handset to the Gigaset M34 USB. ì Press the INT key on your handset. ì Choose the Gigaset M34 USB as the internal party. The internal name under which it is registered on the base station can be seen in the Gigaset M34 software under M34 USB > Configuration > Name. ì Press the Talk or Handsfree key on the handset to make the internal connection. ! Note that your handset will be blocked to other calls for the duration of the internal connection. 22 Gigaset M34 USB Ya-LBA / englisch / A31008-M403-R101-4-7619 / Konfigurieren. fm / 11. 04. 2006 Configuring the Gigaset M34 software When the connection is no longer required: ì Break the connection by pressing the End call key on your handset. Deregistering a base station For operation with the Gigaset M34 USB, a maximum of 6 base stations can be registered. If all spaces on the list are occupied, you must first deregister a base station before you can register another base station. [. . . ] Claims under the Guarantee must be submitted within two months of the Guarantee default becoming evident. Ownership of devices or components replaced by and returned to Siemens shall vest in Siemens. This Guarantee shall apply to new devices purchased in the European Union. For Products sold in the Republic of Ireland the Guarantee is issued by Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. [. . . ]


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